Solo atlantic crossing
"We can do anything, if we work together and support each other."
On Friday March 22, 2018 I became the fastest woman to cross the Atlantic ocean as a solo rower. I beat the previously held French record by a week.
Initial set-off was hampered by forgetting my growth hormone medication and having to turn back - throughout the row I also ran into a bad weather system that kept me on a para-anchor for a few days, saw dolphins, sharks and whales and had a regular companion of a storm petrel (who my mum thinks was my granny looking out for me)
I believe I can improve upon that record so am looking for an excuse to go and do it again. It's my hope that I've inspired more women to go out and do the same thing so they'll give me another record to beat.
You can read the full story as it happened on my blog - posts will be added to the site over the next few weeks.
Kiko and the Matthews family celebrate her World Record Atlantic crossing